Project Management

CMS Compliance Assessment

A comprehensive assessment of the emergency management program against all CMS Conditions of Participation for the provider type. This assessment includes a complete list of recommendations as applicable.

Project Management - Readify, LLC
Project Management - Readify, LLC

Hazard Vulnerability Analysis (ReadifyRM)

All emergency management programs should be based on a comprehensive risk assessment that is regularly reviewed and updated to ensure the organization has identified all hazards that threaten the organization’s ability and analyzed those hazards to determine the impact on essential services. Readify will use its proprietary HVA application to assess an organization’s vulnerabilities, identify hazards and threats, conduct a hazard impact analysis and develop and manage the comprehensive hazard mitigation plan. This service is provided year-round and includes an annual subscription to ReadifyRM.


Having staff that are knowledgeable and skilled in performing their roles and responsibilities during emergency response operations is a critical component to your organization’s disaster resilience. Readify can offer your organization a comprehensive and tailored training service to help develop the skills and knowledge required to effectively respond to emergencies and recover from disasters. With our training services, you can feel confident that your staff are well-equipped to handle whatever challenges come their way, and to emerge from disasters with their operations and communities intact. Price is based on type, size and scope of the training program.

Project Management - Readify, LLC
Project Management - Readify, LLC

Business Continuity Planning

The Business Continuity Plan (BCP) is critical to ensure the organization is prepared to sustain essential services during emergencies and disasters. Readify will work with the organization to gather the information necessary to complete a facility level Business Impact Analysis and use this information to develop the facility’s corporate Business Continuity Plan. Price does not include departmental business continuity plans.

Exercise Planning

Using the Exercise Design Suite, Readify will design discussion-based or operations-based exercises based on client needs. This service includes the coordination and facilitation of exercise planning meetings, development of the exercise plan, master sequence of events list, and evaluation guide, and provision of controller/evaluator training. Price is based on type, size and scope of exercise.

Project Management - Readify, LLC
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