Harnessing ISO 2239:2013 for Managing Effective Disaster Exercises

Harnessing ISO 22398:2013 for Managing Effective Disaster Exercises

In today’s world, organizations face an increasing number of threats, from natural disasters to human-made crises. Preparing for these events requires not only robust emergency plans but also comprehensive disaster exercises to test and refine these plans. ISO 22398:2013, Guidelines for Exercises, is a critical resource for organizations aiming to enhance their Emergency and Disaster Preparedness (EDP) through well-structured and effective disaster exercises. This ISO standard provides a framework for planning, conducting, and evaluating exercises, ensuring that organizations are better equipped to respond to emergencies when they arise.

This blog explores ISO 22398:2013, its key elements, and how it can be integrated into organizational EDP efforts. We will also highlight how ISO 22398 connects with other ISO standards, such as ISO 22301 (Business Continuity) and ISO 31000 (Risk Management), to create a comprehensive approach to resilience.

Understanding ISO 22398:2013 – Guidelines for Exercises

ISO 22398:2013 offers detailed guidance on developing and implementing disaster exercises that assess the effectiveness of emergency plans and procedures.
It provides a structured approach to ensure that exercises serve as realistic and valuable learning experiences.
The main objectives of ISO 22398 are to:

  • Plan Effective Exercises: The standard emphasizes the importance of a clear exercise purpose and objectives. Whether the exercise is a tabletop simulation or a full-scale drill, defining the scope and expected outcomes is critical. This helps organizations focus on testing specific areas of their EDP, such as communication protocols, evacuation procedures, or resource mobilization.
  • Conduct Realistic Scenarios: ISO 22398 recommends that disaster exercises be as realistic as possible to simulate actual emergency conditions. This involves creating detailed scenarios that mirror potential threats to the organization, such as natural disasters, cyberattacks, or health emergencies. The standard also encourages participation across all relevant departments and stakeholders to ensure a coordinated response.
  • Evaluate Performance and Identify Gaps: The evaluation phase is where ISO 22398 truly stands out. It provides guidelines on how to assess the performance of the participants and the effectiveness of the procedures being tested. Post-exercise evaluations should identify areas where improvements are needed, ensuring that lessons learned are integrated into the organization’s EDP.
  • Continuous Improvement: Disaster exercises should not be seen as one-time events. ISO 22398 encourages organizations to schedule regular exercises and use them as part of an ongoing cycle of improvement. By continually refining their plans, organizations can adapt to changing threats and improve their resilience over time.

Using ISO 22398 as a Resource for Organizational EDP

Organizations can leverage ISO 22398 to build a robust disaster preparedness program that goes beyond compliance and truly enhances resilience.
Here are key ways to use this standard effectively:

  • Customization to Organizational Needs: ISO 22398 is designed to be flexible and adaptable, allowing organizations to tailor exercises to their unique risks and operational environments. For example, a hospital may focus on mass casualty drills, while a financial institution might prioritize cyberattack simulations. This flexibility makes ISO 22398 suitable for organizations of all types and sizes.
  • Integration with Business Continuity Plans: Disaster exercises should be integrated with business continuity plans, and this is where ISO 22398 connects seamlessly with ISO 22301, Business Continuity Management Systems (BCMS). While ISO 22301 focuses on ensuring that critical business functions can continue during and after a disaster, ISO 22398 provides the framework to test and evaluate these continuity plans in practice.
  • Enhancing Risk Management through ISO 31000: Another important connection is with ISO 31000, Risk Management Guidelines, which provides a framework for identifying, assessing, and managing risks across an organization. By aligning disaster exercises with the organization’s risk management practices, ISO 22398 helps ensure that exercises are focused on high-priority risks.
  • Collaboration and Stakeholder Involvement: ISO 22398 highlights the importance of involving internal and external stakeholders in disaster exercises. Effective collaboration ensures that all parties understand their roles and responsibilities during an emergency and can work together to achieve a coordinated response.

Building a Comprehensive EDP Framework with ISO Standards

While ISO 22398 is a valuable tool for planning and executing disaster exercises, its real strength lies in how it complements other ISO standards to create a comprehensive EDP framework.
By integrating ISO 22398 with ISO 22301 and ISO 31000, organizations can ensure that their preparedness efforts are aligned with broader continuity and risk management strategies.

  • ISO 22301 ensures that business continuity plans are in place and operational.
  • ISO 31000 offers a structured approach to identifying and managing risks.
  • ISO 22398 provides the practical framework to test and improve these plans and risk management strategies through realistic exercises.

When these standards are applied together, they help organizations build resilience against a wide range of threats.
Organizations that regularly conduct disaster exercises in accordance with ISO 22398 are better positioned to protect their employees, customers, and assets during a crisis.


ISO 22398:2013 serves as an invaluable resource for organizations looking to enhance their emergency and disaster preparedness through structured and realistic exercises.
By integrating this standard with ISO 22301 and ISO 31000, organizations can create a holistic approach to resilience that ensures they are prepared to face any crisis.
Whether you’re a healthcare provider, a financial institution, or a public sector organization, ISO 22398 offers the tools you need to test and improve your emergency response capabilities.

By investing in regular, well-structured disaster exercises, organizations can ensure that they are not only compliant with best practices but also truly prepared to protect their people, operations, and reputation in times of crisis.

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